My Essay Essay 

         Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the story " Young Goodman Brown "and just by reading it, it sounds like it's a story about some ordinary guy who goes on a bizarre walk. By the end of the story Goodman Brown is miserable, suspicious, doubting and depressed. He struggles to figure out if everything that happened on the walk actually happened. Everything that happened on the walk causes him to doubt his beliefs. Beliefs shape everything we know. If we question our beliefs then we question every single thing we've ever known.
        Hawthorne communicates his theme by saying something then making the reader question if it’s really true. For example, Hawthorne said that Goodman Brown had gone on a walk and then made us question if he actually did. He questions our understanding and makes us take our thinking further. He wants us to think for ourselves and look at the story the way that we want to. The story is different for everyone reading it. We all have a different understanding. Personally I think that Goodman Brown didn't go for a walk but dreamed or hallucinated the whole thing. He then proceeds to dream he made it back to town and everyone was working with the devil.
        The tone I found to stand out more was mystery. While reading the story everything felt mysterious including the strange man waking alongside Goodman Brown through the majority of the walk. What confused me was when Goodman Brown kept saying that he wasn't going to walk any further but then continued to keep going. He also said he wouldn't lose faith but he did. He also said he wouldn't question his beliefs but he did anyways. The "devil" made him lose faith in everything and everyone. But was there ever a "devil". By the end of the story you question if everything was real or just in his head.

        In Conclusion I think that Goodman Brown imagined going on a walk. The whole purpose was to get him to stop believing on his beliefs and clearly it went better than expected.By the end he questioned everyone and everything he ever knew including his bride Faith. Now he's alone and doesn't trust anyone. Once you start to question your beliefs you question everything. Therefor don't question what you believe in without good reason.


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