Meme: A humorous image, video etc. that is copied and usually altered then shared and spread.
Virus:A piece of code that can replicate itself and usually has a detrimental effect.
Viral: An advertisement, picture or video that is spread throughout the internet.
Blog: A website used for information and/ or discussions.
Wiki: A website that allows users to collaborative editing of its content and structure
URL: the address of a world wide page
Website: a location that is connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages of the world-wide web
www: World Wide Web
Internet: a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.
2.0: used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept.
Open Source: source code that is free to the public to copy, use, modify and share/ distribute.
Technology: machinery or equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
Virus:A piece of code that can replicate itself and usually has a detrimental effect.
Viral: An advertisement, picture or video that is spread throughout the internet.
Blog: A website used for information and/ or discussions.
Wiki: A website that allows users to collaborative editing of its content and structure
URL: the address of a world wide page
Website: a location that is connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages of the world-wide web
www: World Wide Web
Internet: a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.
2.0: used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept.
Open Source: source code that is free to the public to copy, use, modify and share/ distribute.
Technology: machinery or equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
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