I thought of another question after everyone presented theirs and I thought I'd share it. Can you truly succeed without failing? I thought about this question for the rest of the period and figured I should write it down. :)
Like we discussed in class with Dr. Preston I don't believe we fully have freedom of speech. In class Dr. Preston mentioned certain phrases that we aren't allowed to say. An example would be if someone were to threaten the president of the United States and someone important were to be listening to them then they would receive a visit from the secret service. It's not fair but that's the way things are these days.
QUESTION 1: What is this class about? ANSWER: This is an American Literature class (English class). Dr. Preston teaches English from a different perspective. QUESTION 2: What is the easiest part of this class? ANSWER: The easiest part of this class is the journals because I feel like its super easy to express your opinion on a topic. QUESTION 3: What is the hardest part of this class? ANSWER: The hardest part for me is keeping up with the posting on my blog. We have to post something almost everyday and the pressure gets to me sometimes. I feel like once i get used to posting it will become easier. QUESTION 4: What have you learned so far? ANSWER: I have learned that each teacher has a different way of teaching a subject. Some methods are great and very helpful while others didn't really work for me. I ended up not really understanding what was taught. QUESTION 5: What was your big question? ANSWER: I asked two questions both having to do with global warming. Does any...
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