At the beginning of the chapter Nick finds out that Gatsby fired all of his servants. Gatsby then told him that he replaced each and every one of them. When Nick asked him why he said he didn't want them to gossip since Daisy had been over a few times. Nick then went to the Buchanan house and went inside where all the fans were turned on due to the hot weather. He walked in and saw both Jordan and Daisy sitting by the fans. Tom was in the hallway on the phone. Gatsby was standing on the carpet looking around. Jordan told Nick that Tom was talking to his girl. When Tom came back in Daisy told him to make them some cold drinks. When he left the room, Daisy went over to Gatsby and kissed him on the mouth. The proceeded to tel him " You know I love you."  A little later they decided to go to town. Tom wanted to take Gatsby's car but he didn't like the idea. Daisy then told Tom to take Nick and Jordan and that her and Gatsby would follow in Gatsby's car. At the end of the chapter Daisy and Gatsby were driving back to Daisy's house. While on the way there Daisy hit Myrtle with the car and killed her. Tom who was not far behind saw Myrtle dead and drove away. While he was driving Nick noticed the tears falling down his face. Once they made it back to Daisy's house Tom noticed Daisy was already home. He went inside but Nick didn't want to go so e stayed outside. Jordan tried to convince him otherwise but he didn't change his mind. While he waited for his taxi Gatsby came out from behind two bushes and greeted him. He then told Nick that he was making sure nothing was going to happen about Daisy. He also said he was willing to wait there all night.


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