In the beginning of this chapter Nick was at Gatsby's house and some young ladies were talking about Gatsby behind his back but Nick thought it was ironic considering they were at is house and eating his food. He then tells us he wrote down the names of all the people that went to Gatsby's house that summer. The way he described these people was strange. These people had money, title, fame or knew somebody who did. Even with everything they had they were unhappy. Some killed themselves, died, has accidents because they were drunk and one man even strangled his wife. How can their lives be so messed up when they have everything they could ask for? Gatsby showed up to Nick's driveway and invited him to lunch and for a drive. Gatsby then started telling him about his life in order to clear up some of the rumors he had heard about him. Nick thought the story sounded to detailed. He said he sounded like a character. Later on Nick found it weird when Gatsby told him he should know something about him then proceeds to say he'll find out what it is from Jordan. He thought this was odd since he didn't want to him himself. He also found it weird since he knew he was going to see Jordan later that day. He didn't know if he should trust them. When crossing Blackwell's Island Nick described a limousine that had passed them but his description was incredibly racist. After lunch Nick saw Tom and went up to him to say hello. Tom asked him where he had been. He said said he was having lunch with Gatsby but when he turned around he was gone.


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